Education and Eczema: How Much Benefit Can Be Achieved?
Here, we'll examine the impact of education programs on quality of life and eczema severity.
Key Takeaways
Our focus is on an academic paper published in 2011, which explored the impact of several education programmes on quality of life and eczema severity.
In A Nutshell
The treatments we’re using often lag behind cutting-edge research by 10 years.
Using the latest educational techniques, we can improve our eczema severity by 45% and quality of life by 78%.
The Proton Health Programme has been built based on this research and the latest science, so you’re always learning the most up-to-date techniques.
We don’t need to tell you how complex managing eczema truly is. But, unfortunately, amongst all the lotions and potions, we also have to block out the marketing content and miracle ‘cures’ daily. Sadly, this also extends to modern medicine. In fact, the treatments we’re using are often 10 years behind what the cutting-edge science shows.
A group of researchers in Amsterdam wanted to change this. They did this by exploring how teaching the latest science to eczema sufferers affected their quality of life and eczema severity.
How They Did It
The investigators completed what is known as a Systematic Review.
This is the gold standard of medical research and is a fancy way of saying they searched, read and analysed a bunch of papers related to the topic. By reading lots of documents and accumulating the results, this method leads to better accuracy than just completing one study.
In this case, the group found 10 relevant papers which explored different educational techniques and how they impacted quality of life and eczema severity. The methods used ranged from one-off consultations to intensive 10-day courses.